A true case of neck herniation presentation

"Surgery, or not surgery?"

Recently one of my clients had to make the biggest decision of her life. She will have to make up her mind and accept a fusion surgery on the cervical spine. The risk of paralysis with or without surgery is the biggest concern for her, not to mention the risk of infection, active bleeding and possibly expensive medical bills.

Her MRI did show spinal stenosis with 4 intervertebral disks herniations, which match the constant spasm and very limited range of the neck and shoulders. She started to notice the weakness of the legs with mild tripping imbalance accidents. She almost cried when we talked about the possible surgery before further rehab.

Constant spasm with tingling of the limbs usually indicates some impinging problem of the peripheral nerves close to the spine. I strongly suggest anyone with a similar presentation go for professional help immediately. Compared to the expensive medical bills for surgery, the cost to see your PCP or an experienced doctor of physical therapy is minimal.

The stability of a specific joint comes from 3 aspects, the shape of the joint articulation, connective tissues and adjacent muscles. Pain usually means at least one of the factors has failed to protect the joint. When the shape of the joint articulation failed, we might be diagnosed with arthritis. When the connective tissues failed, we might end up with recurrent dislocation or a loose joint, or compensatory stiff joint due to the scar tissues around the joint; when the muscles failed, we might notice weakness, limited endurance, and chronic pain.

So the only option to save the joint is to position right and reinforce the related muscle groups to avoid failure of the articulation and connective tissues of the joint.  In other words, you want to burn more energy by using the muscles, avoid being lazy and drag the joint with cartilage and connective tissues. Yes. A habit is very hard to change. But once you achieve that. It stays.


  1. It's really terrible experience when you have not chance left and accept a fusion surgery on the cervical spine. We should always be careful for our physical fitness and should contact with chiropracticor physio.


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