What is Scoliosis? why you should know about Cobb's angle?

What is Cobb's angle, why it is important to know about it?

You might hear of the diagnosis of Scoliosis-- the increased abnormal curve of the spine. One of the key findings to judge the progression of the curvature is Cobb's angle.
Why it is important to measure the Cobb's angle of the spine every 1-2 years? Your pain, muscle spasm and internal organs function might be associated with your spine condition. Generally speaking, the development of the curve should be controlled within 5 degrees per year. Before you start feeling discomfort and pain, your body already started to compensate to a certain degree. The compensation will not last forever. It might be easier to correct the abnormality in the early stage before the cartilages worn out, joints fused, muscles became tight and weak, and bad habits developed.

Will physical therapy with muscles retraining and spine mobilization help the curve and it's syndromes?
Yes! Manual therapy with therapeutic activity training will slow down the development and reduce the symptoms. 

How do I know if I got the Cobb's angle measured? How much is bad enough for me to see a surgeon?
Talk to your PCP if you got a full spine X-ray done in the past year. If you do have some X-ray done but don't know about your curve degrees, I can help you figure it out. The degrees should not develop too quickly. When it is over 40-42 degrees, the lung or heart or other internal organs might not be able to function well. That's when surgery should be considered. 

A tricky question here is the current research articles done in the US are not in favor of rehab service, while other studies done in Europe show meaningful improvement. The reimbursement system in the US prevents patients see rehab providers when there are not pain involved. Now we have direct access law in a lot of states for PT to see patients without referrals from the physicians. New Mexico has direct access law, so you don't need to wait for a referral.

If you are having trouble with your back condition with a curve, find an experienced ortho physical therapist and start working on your posture and function mobility. Don't wait until the last minute. You can get help to prevent the pain and slow down the development of the spinal curve.

If you have any questions, please send your questions to DrShengWu@PTcares.com or go to PTcares.com for more information.


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