Why exercises are medicines for old population (1)

Why exercises are medicines for the old population?
Image result for exercise is drug
More and more evidences support using the specific exercises for certain conditions. In this article, we will discuss why and how you can benefit from exercises and avoid falling and injuries.

Did you know that older adults will compose of 20% of US population according to an estimation by US Census Bureau? Yes, when you walk on the street, one of every 5 people you are greeting will be above 65 years old.

What does that information mean to me? As a health provider, I will expect to see more old adults every day. This article serves as an educational method for me to help you understand the importance of exercises.

We are currently surrounded by technologies for better quality of life, but at the same time we slow developed sedentary behavior in the last decade. With detrimental effects of aging, increased  waking time in a sitting position. This type of life habit will lead to problems for cardio-metabolic imbalance, muscle weakness, lost of bone density, falling and overall deconditioning. In order to prevent all above from happening, you need to do your exercises.

Exercises for older population should include aerobic, resistance,flexibility, and balance training.
1. Aerobic exercises:  Walking, running, stair climbing, cycling, elliptical walker, swimming/aquatic aerobic exercises.
Image result for aerobic exercisesAerobic exercises use energy through oxidative metabolism by using large muscles of the body move in a rhythmic manner for sustained periods of time. It's measured by Maximum oxygen consumption = Vo2max, which is related directly to the maximal capacity of the heart to deliver blood to the muscles.  Clinical studies proved moderate to high intensity of aerobic exercises can help regulation of high blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid(fat). As a rule of thumb, you should be able to continue conversations during these exercises. When you talk you breathe, right?

How do you know your exercises intensity is above moderate level in order to get the maximum benefits? See the following form that most health providers use daily.
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5-10 minutes of low instensity activity as warm up and cool down period;
10-15 mins of aerobic exercises
3+ days per week for 4-6 months

Special considerations: If you have low back pain or poor balance, you might want to consider using recumbent bike.
Image result for recumbent stationary bike.

For more information and get a free 1-on-1 valuable consultation with Docotor of Physical Therapy by visiting PTcares.com


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