What are pelvic floor muscles and why they are important for you?

What are pelvic floor muscles and why they are important for you? www.PTcares.com So you heard about the pelvic muscles training after giving birth or during the pregnancy. But what are these muscles and why you need to know about them? It doesn't matter if you are female or male. Yes. Men have pelvic floor muscles also. : ) Researchers also suggested that correctly use of the pelvic floor muscles also help sex performance and reduce the frequency and intensity of the lumbar pain. As you can see in the above picture, there are so many muscles work together to close the openings at the bottom of the trunk. That's the main function of these muscles--to protect your internal organs from dropping down by gravity. The pelvic floor muscles also work with diaphragm, belly muscles and back deep extensor muscles to form the "Core" muscles of the trunk, which is super important for our daily performance. Your doctor might suggest you get some core t...